Friendship Basket

Friendship Basket

Adapted by Cathy Sylvester

approx 7 1/2″ L x 6″ W x 5 1/2″ H (9” top of handle)

1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″ flat, natural 3/16” flat oval for lashing

1/4″ flat, dyed #2 round reed seagrass handle liner

painted and sealed wooden heart, with two holes

narrow matching ribbon

Cut: 11 spokes from 1/2″ flat – 20″ long                           1 piece ¼” flat colored cut longer than the handle 1 spoke from 1/2″ flat – 48″ long (handle)

Base: Lay out the base: 7 stakes by 5 pieces. Lay out 5 of the 20” stakes smooth side down. Now weave the long handle piece in the center of the 5 stakes, woven UNDER the first stake. Weave 3 more spokes on each side of the handle piece. Center the weaving so the base measures 7″ by 4 1/2.” Twine 2 rows around the base, using #2 round reed. Upturn stakes. Weave: Weave 6 rows 1/4″ natural (first row woven OVER the handle stake.) Insert the handle liner into the basket. Fold one end over the handle insert, the other behind the insert. Clip to size and weave them in.

Weave 3 rows 1/4″ dyed Weave a final 3 rows 1/4″ natural Straighten and pack your weaving. Cut off inside stakes flush with top row. Trim, fold and tuck outside stakes.
Optional: Cut 2 pieces of colored reed and insert over outside of handle to embellish. Embellish the handle BEFORE you rim the basket.

Finish: Wrap the handle with 1/4″ flat, adding a piece of 1/4″ dyed reed for accent. Choose desired pattern. Now rim the basket with 1/2″ flat. Use sea grass for filler cut on either side of the handle. Lash the rim with 1/4″ flat oval. Shape corners. Stain if desired. Embellish with heart by tying on with narrow ribbon.

Add a gift tag that says “Our hearts are forever linked in friendship.”

Pattern by Cathy Sylvester, Tanglewood Baskets